Premise: families have existed in every age and culture because they fill members' needs better than other human groups. To nurture means "to fill someone's needs." So a "functional" or high-nurturance family is one that consistently fills all members' needs (not just kids' needs) well enough, in someone's opinion. What needs? All healthy adults and kids have core primary needs. Minor kids also have a mix of developmental needs which require competent adult help to fill. Children of divorce and abandonment and typical stepkids also have sets of concurrent family-adjustment needs. A high-nurturance family consistently fills all these adult and child needs well enough. Any family may be judged to be somewhere between "very low nurturance" (dysfunctional) and "very high nurturance" (functional). Typical high-nurturance families have characteristic traits. Young kids raised in low-nurturance families survive by developing up to six psychological wounds. The wounds have significant impacts on their adult contentment, relationships (like psychological or legal divorce or never marrying); parenting effectiveness, wholistic health, and longevity. This unique self-improvement course is about evolving high-nurturance families and braking the inherited cycle of family dysfunction. |