A system is a set of related elements that interact dynamically with each other and the environment, and have identifiable properties. The key elements of a family system are its members + beliefs + roles + rules + assets + limitations + goals + boundaries + subsystems (e.g. siblings) + environment - a larger system of systems, or metasystem. Understanding these elements and how they interact can help people assess how well any family is "functioning" (nurturing) and what can improve that. Growing evidence since the 1950s suggests that therapy based on family-systems principles is more likely to produce desired lasting change than working with individuals. This is because personal and relationship "problems" (unmet needs) are often promoted by the multi-generational environment (system). Premise - normal personalities are inner-family systems of semi-in-dependent subselves or "parts." Experience suggests that using family-system therapy principles with subselves is often effective at reducing a wide range of personal and some physical problems. This self-improvement course is built on this concept, based on almost 20 years of doing inner-family therapy with individuals and families. A basic premise here is that when one or more adults' inner families are out of harmony, their relation-ships and outer families have "major problems.'' Lesson 1 here offers an effective way to increase inner-family system harmony and serenity, and achieve personal potentials. Detail / close |