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This YouTube
video provides perspective on the teen questions you'll read
here: The video mentions eight self-improvement lessons in this Web
site. I've reduced that to seven.
It's one thing to read theories about the effects of family dysfunction.
It's far more poignant to read comments from real kids who aren't
getting the nurturing they need because their parents have
lethal [wounds + unawareness] and are unable to nurture them
This article reprints selected comments from real teens and young adults who are suffering
from parental neglect, abandonment, and abuse (trauma). They have not
had major developmental needs met well
enough by their adults. Their comments were taken verbatim from
the online "Questions and Answers" part of They are
representative of hundreds of similar questions.
average kids are desperately seeking to answer family questions they
cannot articulate. If they had empathic, knowledgeable adult help, they
wouldn't need to use the Web to vent and plead for help.
If their
parents had been taught this
information, these kids would not be writing these
questions. Without informed adult help, these kids are becoming
Grown Wounded Children (GWCs)
As you read these posts, notice your thoughts and feelings. How would you
respond to these questions? I've edited the format for clarity, and
added selected highlites and links. - Peter K. Gerlach, MSW
+ + +
15. For about 3 years my life has been going down hill.
My mom was only 20 when I was
born and my parents never married. I lived with my mom until I
was 12. My life was fine. Then my mom got a boyfriend. He was nice and
he would always talk to me.
After 8 months of them dating they got engaged. When I found out I
wasn't ecstatic about it. Once they got engaged he completely turned on
me. He would never talk to me or do anything he used to.
I felt like I did something
Their (sic) married now and had a baby 4 months ago. Don't get me
wrong.. I'm crazy about my little brother...but
now it's like my mom has turned
against me now. Neither of them ever talk to me. It's only when
my stepdad is not in the room...that's when I talk to my mom, but
she never talks to me.
the one who always needs to start the conversation. Even when my stepdad
is collecting me from school there is complete silence in the car. My
mom asked me one day why I never speak to him. I said "because he never
speaks to me." Her answer to that was "he doesn't know what to say to
you. He thinks your a cranky teenager". If I do say something ...
ignores me, and that's why I don't speak to him.
Another thing was a few months ago we had family round for dinner. We
were in the kitchen and there were at least 10 others in there too. I
was walking to my seat and hit my toe off the side of the table and it
really hurt. I looked up at him and he rolled his eye's to heaven.
About a half hour ago I had to clean my birds cage out. I was looking
for a plastic bag so I could put the paper into. I couldn't find a bag
so I called my mom and asked did we have any plastic bags. I had the
drawer that we usually keep the bags in open and my hand was in the
drawer. She stormed in and slammed the drawer. I took my hand out just
on time before it slammed on my fingers.
understand there is a new baby in the house but
I feel totally rejected
and a waste of space. Sometimes I even think I'm just a mistake. The
message I get from my step-dad is that It's my fault I'm alive. I don't
think I'm jealous of my brother because I'm al-ways playing with him and
kissing him but I feel like my family and my stepdad's family have just
completely forgotten I exist. (Note
- This rejection is how the psychological wound of
excessive shame
begins - ed.)
though its -10 outside I'm at the point of running away. The only people
who I feel important to are my grandparents. Since I was 10 me and my
mom lived with them. I feel that their (sic) the only people who love
me. I cant remember the last time my mom said she loved me...but she
always saying it to my brother. I don't want to be jealous but I tell my
brother I love him all the time. When I'm playing with him my step-dad
always gives me a horrible look and all I see in his face is "Get away
from him."
know that when my grandparents are gone I'm going to be on my own. While
I'm writing this I'm crying because the thought of my grandparents not
being here anymore kills me. Every day I'm in my room just crying my
eyes out except when I'm with my grandparents.
What advice would you give me to get through this. Please
Note that this question
never mentions the girl's biological father He has apparently abandoned
his child.
+ + +
dad is a boss at work and when he comes home, he thinks he is the boss
of the house. He is always bossing us around, yelling at us like we're
criminals and freaking out about every little thing. Sometimes he treats
his workers better than he treats us.
time he admitted problem in his behavior but he never did anything about
it. Same old angry, aggressive, rude dad. One time he yelled at my mom
so loudly in a grocery store and made her cry. He thought his behavior
was normal.
and my siblings tried to get him to apologize but he didn't. When guests
come over, he yells at us in front of the guests. It's so embarrassing.
My mom says "you're dad is just like that, deal with it". What to do?
+ + +
I just met my dad, he's evil,
I feel lost, help,
what do I do? thought he meant alot to me but I
dont to him? He's evil, crazy.
He hurts me
emotionally, mentally. I feel so lost at times,
scared. But I don't want therapy. I just want to
be free of this awful misery.
(Implication - this child's mother is absent,
and/or offers no protection from 'this misery'"
- pkg)
+ + +
I feel
like giving up on my other option...I
am 23.
1. what if
your brother treats you like a servant just because he paid for the first
year of your college fees? He sends u to the post office to pay his monthly
bills and banks to deposit money etc on a bus all the time etc. Leave no
food for u at home and go out for parties without telling when u return from
2. and his wife moans about you not doing chores and cooking when u go to
college monday to friday (full time) and work sat and sun for 20 hours? u
cant watch tv cos they never leave it even if they have a spare switched off
in their room?
3. When you tell ur mother she says she feels bad about it but
nothing she
can do.
4. I lost my father 12 years ago. brother called me abroad to finish
college. Mother, brother and his wife treat me like a servant. Now that he
has done a favour for getting me started here.. I have to do him and his
wife's dishes and cooking all my life. cos I dont make much money to pay the
I can only work 20 hours which I am already. He tells mom I spend money on
shopping thats why I dont have money to pay him rent and bills. I am not
allowed to go any-where after college cos I should be home cooking and
cleaning for them. How cool is that?
My mother is also not helping. she wants me to give her some money every
month as well. How will I pay the fees and live then? she even doesn't talk
to my brother about all this.
+ + +
I really hate my brother,
like a lot!?
have a deep hate for my brother, his 14, I'm 17, I
rarely talk to him, but he lives with me, he makes
me never want to have a kid, if I was pregnant and I
found out it was a boy, I'd abort it just incase its
like him. he makes me want to go lesbian.
You don't understand how annoying he is,
he has adhd and is
homosexual, he walks around saying weird things and
making weird noises all day...
my cousins hate him, and give him dirty looks any
time his around, no one likes him!
when I look at him, even if his not doing anything I feel
aggravated, I just can't stand him, I can't look at
him, anything he does annoys me!
how can I sort this out? he makes me miserable. he was away
with my mom for 3 days, and I had the time of my
life, no migraines from his voice, the house was
actually quite for two minutes... now his back his
already got his tv blasting, talking to his self
really loud! his SO weird!
What can I do :'(
+ + +
I think
I have some
serious problem? Or was I born to be a
**** up?
Hi everyone I dont know where to begin, its like since a
while something is just not going right. I am thinking too much. I feel like
there is a conspiracy going on all the time around me to make fun of me. I dont
hang out much but when I do and I smoke weed then I feel like people are trying
to humiliate me. I have made some new friends but again it feels like they are
here because these people are connected to my past and are here to bring out the
things that I am
to tell anyone.
I dont know but I cant seem to
any1 feels like even my bro n sis are conspiring against me.
I have hd a real rough past and lost
many people I loved the unnatural way like
my parents were shot dead in
a fight. and a lot more. Now whenever I am with people chilling and smoking weed
I feel like they r gonna pull a prank on me or abuse me physically like steal my
belongings or hurt me or **** me or god knows anything I am afraid of.
I just dent know how to overcome this
fears. have a lots of stress going on in my mind financially. I am about to be 22. n
its like things I planned as aways are just not seeming to be working out. I was
an intelligent student and very ambitious. used to top in my class always but
now I cant even think straight. I am afraid even if I get a scratch that it
might turn into some infection. Afraid that I might get raped or rape someone
I am confused and cant make decisions. give real hard times to people who are
attached to me emotionally. I dnt feel certain how to react to things and hence
leave them and keep hiding from them. even when I hear a song I literally feel
related to the lyrics. when I watch movies I am thinking of it as real events
happening in my life. There is not 1
thing right in my life.
I feel as if I need a miracle to get health and money in an instant but I know
neither of them are ever happening so what to do now?
Can anybody tell me what exactly is
with me? and now I am feeling like some of you might trace this thread to
me and make fun of me for being a looser and posting this question :'(
+ + +
How do I get away
from a suicidal person without him killing
The guns are in the closet. He said he'd
shoot himself immediately if I got in a car
wreck and he could have prevented it. He had
several suicide attempts in the past (within
5 -10 years) and received a few years of
therapy to get it under control. He bangs
his head hard on the wall multiple times
when he's very angry at himself (I've seen
it 2 - 3 times). He hits the wall hard and
several times as an alternative to his head
at times and broke his hand once and damaged
it so it was swollen and in pain for weeks
later the last time (I saw it the last
He has
''attachmen'' issues, that
I don't know he realizes he has. He feels
deeply depressed when he doesn't have a
girlfriend and gets angry at his friends if
they have one. He made future plans with one
girl that I know of after one date. He
bought an engagement ring for me 2 months
after meeting and hardly knowing one
another. He asked me to move in with him
shortly after. He made me feel guilty for
not accepting the ring right away or not
moving in with him fast enough with
statements like "I should have never bought
the ring. What a fool, what a failure I am!"
and "If you really loved/cared about me
you'd move in with me."
Upon my counselor's advise, I accepted the
ring and moved in with him a year ago. What
a fool I was to listen to the counselor
(although she didn't know about his
emotional problems since I didn't), accept
the ring and move in with him.
Bottom line --- He has moderate-severe
psychological problems - namely
moderate-severe depression, anger and
suicidal issues. I have severe anxiety and
it's a disability. How can I safely LEAVE
him knowing that we our individual problems
are that bad that we can not deal with or
talk to one another, WITHOUT him impulsively
reacting by killing himself?
I can NOT afford a hospital for himself or
myself, no insurance. My family lives far
away in PA. We are in CO now. His family
lives nearby.
+ + +
How do I get
myself out of this situation and what is going
on with me?
Just smashed up my little sisters ornaments
she collects and broke my brothers bookcase,
all because they were winding me up. I'm 16
and they're 8 and 9. I don't understand why
I did it but I did.
I locked my self in my room and my mum was
bashing at the door calling me a monster and
a freak and other verbal abuse. I have OCD
and dyspraxia and am going through the
process of referral to a psychiatrist (which
could take months) and seeing a counsellor
who I'm seeing tomorrow. At the moment I
can't see myself getting through the
Any help? Thanks.
+ + +
I'm depressed and
feel worthless?
Well, today made me feel horrible. There's
this guy at school I like, and I told my
friends, and they went ask him if he liked
me (I didn't even ask them to) and he said
"Hell no." and made a face and he looked
grossed out.
Away from all that,
I hate myself.
I hate my hair, my face, my body, pretty
much everything. And i'm not some blonde
skinny ***** that hates herself for no
reason. No, i'm 160 pounds, and guys pay me
absolutely no attention. I wouldn't care if
I didn't even have to go to that school, but
people always commenting on how fat, gothic,
ugly, weird, etc... But they focus so much
on looks at my school its hard not to.
I've starved myself for about a week a month ago.
can't take it any more, its really
hard when every other girl at my school is
about 100 pounds.
It gets so annoying. I'm either depressed or bipolar, so it
just makes that worse.
have no clue what to do. How would I
persuade my mom to home school me? PLEASE
help me and don't judge.
I've even thought of suicide, so its
+ + +
Am I a
failure? Negativity issues? ?
Currently, my grades are crap. I want to
get them up, but my negativity plummets
them down. I have no special talents,
except for writing. I could write a
fantastic chapter in a matter of an
hour, with the craziest plot... But I'm
just giving up on school lately. I'm 16,
and priorities are huge right now... But
I can't help to cry because I feel like
I'm going to turn out into this huge
failure and that my life wont be as
successful as I want it to be.
+ + +
Please help, I'm
extremely depressed
about home life and
want to be taking
away. (Please read)?
I'm being
mentally abused
by my mother.
It's been like
this for the
past year
(Really my whole
life, but it's
gotten to a
point I want to
kill myself. The
only reason why
I haven't yet is
because I'm
afraid of death,
although if I
told you my
story you would
be surprised why
I haven't yet.)
I had/have a horrible life. I don't go to school, I have no
education and
not one friend
in the world,
not one. Not
even family
because my
mother fought
with them so
badly that they
don't even want
anything to do
with me anymore.
I can't even begin to tell you how she treats me. It would
take ages to
read everything.
that's how bad
it is. But I do
need help. I'm
going to see a
tomorrow and I
want to tell her
I want to leave
her and ask for
her help.
But the problem
is, is that I'm
17 (18 in March)
and I'm afraid
I'll be thrown
out on the
streets when I'm
18 and have no
where to go. I
also don't want
to leave the few
things I own
behind, things I
hold dear. Those
are the only two
reason why I put
up with her.
(She has serious
mental problems.
I'm talking
disorder and
anger management
issues but
doesn't do
anything about
it. She thinks
she's totally
normal, but she
really F'd me up
in every way
I want to call the police to be taking away or at least be
put in a mental
(Although I
don't believe
there's anything
wrong with me,
but I would like
to be in a place
that people care
and want to
listen to me.)
What should I do?
+ + +
I don't want to
live with my life anymore...?
for one I
can't think of a good reason why I should
even continue with my life when
I'm a failure!
sufferin.. I
don't want to live anymore, I don't see why
live and continue doing what I'm not
interested in... I can't talk to nobody, not
my mom or anyone!.. everything I feel like
my life is spiraling down and whats the
don't know what to do Anymore.,.
+ + +
+ + +
I was molested at
a young age and..?
I notice that I have extreme sexual feelings
and I randomly begin crying, sometimes for
no reason. I'm curious if the following
symptoms have anything to do with it. I've
tried to forget it happened and I've only
told my mother about it. I'd afraid to bring
up any of these feelings toward her but
she'll ask me what's wrong with me when I
act out. So I'm going to ask.. Do the
following symptoms have anything to do with
my past?
- Sexual urges
- Fear of people when they get angry
- Crying for inconsequential reasons
- Having the urge/addiction to lie about
- Getting sexually aroused very easily
- Low self esteem
- Bad social skills
- Being somewhat suicidal
Any help would be necessary and helpful.
Thanks for listening!
there any escape from this
other than suicide?
I am
not sad or emo when I
ask this. My mom all my
life has put me through
emotional abuse. When I
was young, she punched
me a few times. She said
hitting people is wrong
but I am an exeception
to the rule. I am no
good. An ugly, no good
piece of trash. She does
good things and is a
good person but she is a
demon as well. I still
live with her due to
economy and no promotion
at my job. Don't mention
military because I been
there done that. They
tossed me back home. I
wanted to stay.
I am a man and am not
afraid. Noone believed
me nor had my side. I'm
no angel. I did bad
things too which
warranted discipline.
But my mom was a bully.
My older brother would
join in the saddistic
crap head. He is
currently unemployed and
has no skills and has
been for almost 3 years.
I have a serial killer's
childhood yet I did not
and refuse to turn out
like that. I never had a
girlfriend nor am I
really permitted to have
one. Not really. I know
my mother for what she
TRUELY is. I love her
and feel sorry for her
for what she had to go
through in life. Losing
two husbands. My dad to
lung cancer which to
this day, accuses me of
not caring enough
depsite I was 10 when it
happened. I loved him
too. He was a bully at
times and joined in. I
hate him and am glad he
is gone. I'm sorry he is
dead and I love him but
hate him. My step dad
which I think was
P-whipped, I never
really knew him. Only
together 2 years and he
seemed like a nice man,
dropped dead one night
of a heart attack.
My mom seems to enjoy
laying into me about
whatever. This is the
type of person who wants
the government to
protect us and agrees
everything the law says
while I see flaws in the
law system as I am a
criminal justice student
and see nothing but lies
and corruption. I want
the right to bare arms.
My mom thinks noone
should ever carry and
the world be safer. I
disagree. If Jack the
Ripper came into my
home, I'd want to
protect my loved ones
and family. Yet I would
go to jail for it.
Double standards are bad
for you. Someone told me
to go to hell once and I
said I'm already there.
Guilt trips,
manipulations, and
emotional scarring. My
mom manipulated people
into thinking I hit her
which is NOT TRUE. I
fail at life and don't
want to be here no more.
Ladies out there, I am a
good looking guy who
likes you all so much
that I don't want to
expose you to the
madness that is me. I am
not evil nor evil
natured. I was told that
I had the devil in me
when I was young. Ugly.
STUPID!! It's ok for
others to hit me and
step on me and I have no
rights. I am 29 now and
have been dying all my
life and want it to end.
Why does god allow me to
+ + +
I'm much
too emotional...?
I cry at almost
anything..when I'm happy, frustrated, angry,
sad, lonely...literally everything.
I'll be watching a show like Xfactor or so
you think you can dance..and when they get
even a magnificent response from the judges
or anything as such I'll cry. When it's a
contestant I can relate to, I'll cry. If I'm
listening to a song I relate I'll begin
bawling etc.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with
it, but I have absolutely no confidence
whatsoever. If I had to give my self-esteem
a rating out of 10, it would be in the
negatives. There are days where I don't
leave the house because I feel disgusted
with myself..if I go shopping, I'm
constantly putting myself down. I've
suffered from an eating disorder since I was
12 (I'm 15) and I'm currently recovering on
my own...I also sure I suffer from
depression, it used to be a lot worse months
ago so it's bettering.
I've also lost ALL motivation for school. Last year, I was a straight A student with
brilliant grades--I was already picking out
top universities to attend, looking into
possible scholarships..everything, and
lately I've begun skipping and my grades
have dropped TREMENDOUSLY in the past year.
My question is how can I stop being so
When will I grow up and become
I'm a mature gal in general,
for a 16 year old at least. Before I was
diagnosed with depression, I was on time to
school, got decent grades (A's Most B's and some
C's), but now I've been stuck in a rut.
I have no desire to become successful. I don't
care where I end up. I got straight F's all last
year because I skipped all my morning classes or
just decided to take some days off because I
didn't feel like it. So, my dad pushes me (I
don't live with him), he is disappointed in me
when I don't go of course. He tells me to go, he
tells me to turn my work in. That only makes me
not want to do it even more.
Since his way didn't work, he sent me to a
boarding school. I needed to get away from
family drama too. I started out fine, on top of
things. First quarter I got B's and A's. Second
quarter, I'm back to straight F's. I have
sleeping problems, I don't get up in the morning
for breakfast. Nor do I show up to my morning
classes. I haven't studied for my finals which
is in about an hour. I haven't turned in or done
any work for the past three weeks.
I KNOW what I'm supposed to do. I just don't do
it. I'm on anti-depressants right now, also some
sleeping pills which don't seem to help. So,
going to a psychiatrist doesn't do anything for
I need some advice, I know I'm unmotivated and
lazy. How do I get over it. PLEASE HELP. My
parents are wasting a sh*tload of money on me
being a bum. I'm a sophomore by the way. If that
does anyone have any
I have a really bad past.
I've lost some really good friends, I lost
one recently and i'm finding it hard to move
on and to cope with it. I've tried killing
myself, cutting myself.i used to be a bully
in primary school and high school but i'm
not anymore, but my past still haunts me. I
have really low self esteem.
I have trouble fitting
in, no matter how hard I try. usually people
just say its all in my head but I dont think
it is. I can't talk properly, I can't think
of anything witty to say that will make
people laugh. I know that everyone you meet
is not going to like you but it would be
nice to fit in. I hate the way I look, I
hate my personality, I constantly wish I was
someone else.
I don't know how to
deal with things, I don't know what's right
or wrong and if I try telling my problems to
someone they wont listen, theyl just think
im looking for sympathy and call me a cry
baby. I don't know what I should do, I just
wish I could go back in time and start all
over. does anyone have any advice for me? I
just feel like the world would be a better
place if I died, considering a few people
have told me that and some of my ex friends
have said they live much happier lives
without me in it. I don't know what's wrong
with me
Tired of people taking a disrespectful
tones and actions with me?
hey everybody, lemme tell you a little
background info before I get to the issue. im 20
year old male, im the youngest guy in the
guess you could say I was "abused" as a kid
because my dad and bro would always be very
dominate both physical and mental when I was
young and now its subsided a bit and still
happens today , but not as much.
don't want to talk about exactly what kind (of)
**** happened when I was a kid. My childhood has
given me today what some call an inferiority
complex. I have trouble couping and flip out
when people *(*& with me now. Its exhausting to
be this defensive and angry all the time, but I
feel justified from my past.
Here are
some pros and cons of this experience is how I
look at it. Pros- I pushed myself to be fit
and can get up over 300 in bench ( not a bunch
but im pretty big I guess) Low tolerance to
social conformity Cons- Low boiling point(
get pissed easy) I hate authority and people
who try to dominate control you. thoughts of
killing people who are animal like and
controlling. Suicide as well
Past experiences of mine noticed that this
was becoming a problem- I fought my older
brother and sent him to the hospital. I felt
really bad after and knew I had a problem. He's
fine tho don't worry. Now my dad has been being
more and more loud and yelling about really
small stuff too trying to be Hitler of the
house, and im getting those same thoughts again.
I need help. Someone who has been a "rat in a
cage" his/her whole life please help me. I need
council on how to let these things not bother me
so much.
oh ya also, please don't say its normal,
because if it is, then I rather not be, and if
you say im crazy thanks.
I have anxiety and confidence
issues..what is wrong with me?
Hello I was wondering if
someone can help me. I'm constantly nervous and
in a rush to go nowhere. I always argue with my
girlfriend if she doesn't call me immediately in
the morning like she usually does, or if she
doesn't give me the special attention I feel I
deserve I get upset and bothered. What is wrong
with me? How can I change and just be a more
relaxed and confident person? Do I need
How can I
conquer my low self esteem?
I feel like I am at my
wits end with my
low self esteem, it
effects my ability to have any zest for
life, enjoy my relationships, and enjoy
socializing with people most of the time. I
have been in therapy for a year, read books,
and talk to friends about it.
Nothing seems to be helping, ill make
little changes but its always still there.
Has anyone ever come from have very low self
esteem and become confident in themselves?
How did you do it?
Did my antidepressants stop
I've been on Celexa for the
better part of three weeks. For the first week
and a half or so I felt better than I had in
years. All the anger/anxiety was significantly
dulled, I was happier, more social, getting
along better with everyone. I knew that a lot of
it was still being repressed to some degree, but
my mind wasn't focusing on them at all. But
recently, this past week or so, it seems like my
resentments and anxieties are coming back. I'm
not having the kind of anger/anxiety/depression
attacks that I had been having off the
medication, but its definitely coming back, even
if its not as severe as it was at its peak.
How can I
stop being angry all the time?
always feels like I want to kill someone. I
can anyone any time if I want to. When there
is someone who makes me angry, it makes want
to stub that person. Makes me want to punch
and smash their face 100 times.
Maybe I have high defense mechanism. When
someone threaten me or mess with me, it
makes me want to kill that person. Maybe
because I was bullied and abused when I was
in 8th grade. I always think of those
people, and I thought I should killed all
those guys when I was 8th grade. I sometimes
think I should find them and kill them. I
have many unfinished business. I don`t think
I can be happy without finishing my
How can I be nice, happy person?
im so insecure. how to be
confident & happy with yourself?
im constantly complaining
about my physical appearance. I feel like im too
skinny, and I hate that I dont have a clear
face...I hate my acne --__-- & im always putting
myself down.
sometimes in class, I get nervous just to
participate cause im scared of what people might
think of me. my mom also told that I care way
too much about what other people think of me.
idk how to let go of that feeling? like im so
sick of putting myself down, I want to be
confident. ive been told that im attractive and
all, but I dont think appearance really has much
to do with confidence.
like guys check me out all the time, but I can
never really get a guy cause I feel like im not
good enough for him or I compare myself to his
past girlfriends.
& whenever I see girls who arent that pretty but
are super confident, it makes me feel super
upset. all in all, How can I be more confident or improve my
please give serious answers, im sorta depressed
these days...
I feel so worthless in life
I cant stop smoking weed. I
dropped out of school 2 years ago I have no job.
I'm anti-social. Feel depressed everyday. Dont
have nobody to talk to. Bored out my mind
everyday. I try to get out and do something. But
im always by myself with nothing to do. Feeling
so suicidal/homicidal. What can I do. No BS
answers plz
Lonely and
depressed please help me.?
Even in primary from 4-12
years old I have either been picked on or
used by friends and other class mates etc,
Now at 5th yea of Secondary School (High
School) I still have no bff only one friend
outside school and not a bff. In Fact I feel
after she is finished with the drama group
we will lose contact with each other. Then I
shall have to go through 6th year alone
without Saturday in seeing her. You see my
drama group only allows you in it until your
18 and after that your not allowed in it.
Bullying in the past has left me with low
self esteem and I'm just curious as to if
there is somthing wrong with me.? I've tried
councilling infact my school sent me to a
place in which they send a few girls before
hand but infact it was councilling place for
girls that where abused by there parents in
which I found a bit insulting and in return
they did **** all for us. Now and again I
bump into girls from my primary school in
which I see them smirking at me in a real
cheeky way. They seem to be doing well
academically and I feel again I did somthing
wrong in my life to make this happen. My
first friend would play sexual games with me
and I feel stupid for going along with
things . I can't go certain places in fear
of being reminded of it. I've also tried
uping my dose in anti depressant's but
nothings changed. I joined the drama group
to help also but still a year later I feel
the same.
How can I
feel good about life?
I'm stuck in my life. I've
started to go through major depressive
phases since I started college 3 months ago.
I have 1 true friend, no people skills, and
have taken a wrong decision in life which is
too late to change. My life involves not
excitement, and little happiness. I'm 16,
and up until I started college (England, not
University) I could deal with it. The stress
of college has collapsed me emotionally and
even more socially.
I often contemplate
suicide, and even left it to the flip of a
coin whether to drive a knife into my chest.
The memory of this scares me, because I now
know how far I take myself. Since my
depressive phases started, I realised how
I've made the wrong decisions, and chose
academic over expressive creativity. I feel
as if I'm stuck in life, and each time I
attend college, I get struck with horrible,
deep thoughts of self-loathing and
worthlessness that just opens up inside me.
I have no one to turn to; I feel that others
look down on my, that they are elevated in
status above me, because they have the
happiness and friends.
It makes me feel
worthless, that I could take my own life
with no consequence. I know its too late to
change my wrong choices, and change. I feel
like death would hold a more bearable
experience than life itself, without being
lonely and loathing my own life. I feel
ashamed of my own existance. My aspirations
are now dead, and I don;'t know what I'm
aiming for, I am just floating
inconveniently through life. I know that I
have the potential to drive myself far
enough to seriously harm myself, and that
scares me.
am a person who has
only watched tv all
my life. I don't
understand what I
was thinking.?
Because of this
addiction, I
have become
my mind does not
work quickly. I am depressed
all the time. I
have created
complications. I
have wasted so
much of my
parents' money.
I am pretty sure
if I had not
been an addict,
I could have
made my life a
success. I
know every person
goes through the
same phase. But
because of me, my
parents and siblings
have suffered a lot.
Sometimes I wish I
could die as a
punishment for my
Can't stop feeling
don't know what
to do, for many
reasons I can't
stop feeling
sad.. I can't
eat, I feel so
lonely like I'm
everyone, and I
hate everything
about me. I've
gotten to the
point where I
want to self
harm. I feel
like I'm
alone.. and I
have no one to
talk to.. I
don't know what
to do.. help? I
know I just
sound pathetic,
but I'm not! I
really am an
average 15 year
old kid..
Please help how can
I overcome
Well I'm just 15
and alot is
going On in my
life right now
my parents are
pushing me and
pressuring me
about thing way
to much. I
haven't been
sleeping well I
sleep at 4am in
the morning and
wake up at 7am
without feeling
sleepy. I'm so
stressed out and
depressed I cry
alot an don't
know what to do.
I get so anxious
everything. How
can I just relax
and let go.!!!
disorder do I have
that seems to be
It seems like
they could
because they are
often wanting to
appear as better
then they
already are. I
suffer from this
disorder I
think. I am
often isolate
myself from
social contact
in a depressive
fantasy state
and often trying
to mimic the
social skills of
other to create
a superficial
charm to help me
along in the
real world. I am
often scared of
people out of
occurrences from
my past when
dealing with
people. I dealt
with a lot of 2
faced people and
they made me
scared to
interact with
anyone with my
TRUE self. So I
make myself have
a new roll that
I gained from
someone, I
mimmick there
social skills
and use them
while typically
lieing and
making myself
seem higher then
I already am.
But when I'm
around to many
people the
starts to come
back and my real
self starts to
show, often when
the conversation
arouses to
topics. Its like
the wolfman when
he has to leave
because there is
a full moon
outside, I am
the same way
when my real
self starts to
fluster. So I
often avoid
situations or
act insincere
and move on to
another upbeat
person. I took
myself out of a
real high school
because of this,
because I hated
that you had to
deal with
atleast 1 mean
person, or
jealous person
and how they can
really bring
down your life
in a situation.
So I chose home
online, with
very little
interaction. But
I do not desire
to get help,
because for most
of the time, its
kind of fun
around different
people. You also
stay covert so
whenever you do
deal with a 2
faced person, he
has nothing to
exploit except a
lie while you
hold all the
secrets that
they told you.
What can I do? Why
keep living?
I've always felt
so desperately
alone and
useless. I have
been unable to
sleep for as
long as I can
remember, so I
am tired
constantly and
have never had
any energy. For
over a decade I
just kept
fighting it and
doing what you
are supposed to.
Get some
education, get a
good job, buy a
house, buy a
car, be
responsible in
every possible
way. I've always
tried to help
other people
whenever they
need it, but am
unable to ask
others for help.
Through all of
this I was
somewhat at
peace with being
alone because I
didn't know any
different. Then
somehow I got an
girlfriend and
fell in love.
Thought we would
get married and
be happy. We
were together
for over 3
years, and then
she let me know
she felt
something was
missing, which
was causing
doubts for her,
so we broke up.
Now I feel more
alone than ever
before and am
right at the end
of my rope. Now
I know what it
is to be loved
and can't stand
the thought of
going on alone.
This isn't about
losing the
it's about
losing what I
thought I would
never have and
alone, useless
and tired of the
pain of daily
living. I've
tried taking my
mind off of it.
I go to the gym
every day, but
feel no better,
no healthier and
no more
distracted. I've
picked up a new
hobby that I've
always wanted to
do since I was a
kid. Over the
holidays I threw
myself into it
as much as
possible, but
again, it didn't
distract me, and
doesn't really
make me feel any
better. I've
tried going to
museums, parks
and just for
walks around the
I've gone to
doctors and had
many tests done
and been given
and sleeping
pills. Neither
have done
anything. I had
one pill that
actually allowed
me to fall
asleep a little
quicker, but
still never woke
up feeling
refreshed or
energized. I
used to eat a
fair bit (wasn't
fat, but still
ate a fair bit),
but now my
stomach is
always tied up
in knots and
eating is
because I feel
terrible all the
time. I eat much
less and
healthier trying
to feel better,
but it doesn't
appear to be
working. I'm out
of ideas and
energy to try
too much more.
Does anybody
have anything
useful to
suggest before I
completely lose
my grip?
tl;dr: Out of
reasons to live;
need suggestions
before I lose
all strength to
keep fighting.
- what this troubled boy is "missing" is
(a) caringt adults to fiull his needs; and
(b) awareness of his psychological
wounds, and
how to heal them.He
- like every one of these troubled young
people - needs a functional family.
don't I fit in with
the people around
I'm a 16 year
old male from
the UK, do very
well in school,
plan to go on to
higher Education
then University
to eventually
own my own
Hopefully, I'll
become huegely
rich and
successful. I
consider myself
ambitious and in
the right frame
of mind.
Yes you may
think I'm snobby
but I'm honestly
not I just know
what I want in
life and don't
allow myself to
be distracted
foolish things.
I feel as though
my parents don't
care about my
achievements as
they show little
interest yet
they seem
disappinted by
the fact i'm not
a yob who hangs
around the
street corners
or they insult/
nag me that I
don't have a
girlfriend. I
suppose I'm not
a regular
teenager I'm
well manered,
studious but my
perception was
that most
parents would
love a son like
Also at school
there's nobody
else like me I
consider myself
as a loner but I
don't fit into a
group like
everyone else.
However i'm
friends with 2-3
people out of
each group but
it's not the
same as having a
group. Everyone
seems to only
talk about
computer games
or football.
Those two
interest me any
I just feel like
understands me
or can't relate
to me. Almost
like I'm a 30
year old in a 16
year olds body.
I feel a lot
more mature than
About 90% of the
school are
ignorant and
uneducated in
their views and
have no grasp of
the English
Language. They
are racist,
homophobic which
is a huge
problem as I'm
secretly gay and
have developed
because of it.
you think my life is
I'm 24 and
struggle with
bulimia and I
take appetite
pills to try and
control my
hunger. I also
take sedatives
to relax me.
These things
have interferred
with my career
and I currently
don't even have
a job. Basically
my life consists
of fasting,
binging purging,
excercising and
taking pills. I do this to try
and stay 'thin'
but it's become
more then about
that. I do it so
I dont have to
deal with
feelings. I
think it's a
habit. But how
can I stop being
bulimic when
there are food
sigh, i'm
fighting a losing
Why do I feel like
so upset?
For over a year
now I have felt
so upset, angry
and sad. It's
horrible I don't
really know why
but I always
feel worse when
I'm stress
because of
exams. I have
self harmed and
made myself
sick. What
should I do I
hate everything
know its wierd, but
I HATE my dad?
im 14 and I dont
know why , but I
deeply hate my
dad!!! realy
often I have
this feeling but
rarly I feel
close to him in
anyway. even if
he just telss me
goodmorning I
just get angry!
we dont have a
very good
realtionship, we
often fight for
stupid things.
my father is
like a savage he
swears and gets
realy mad when
he is angry ,
but sometimes
when we fight he
plays the victim
and doesnt talk
to the rest of
the family for
like 3 days.
then my mom
strats to see me
as the cause.
I justt realyy
hateeee himmmm ,
but I dont know
why??? many
daughters love
their father and
hug him and
stuff like that
but never did
these things
with him =[
plss give me
some advice
Baby's Dad is an
idiot and I don't
have any money?
I'm a teen mom
of a 9 month old
baby boy. when I
got pregnant my
boyfriend left
me and I never
tried to get him
back so he
continued with
his own life
without caring
about his son
(he never met
him). when my son was
6 month old my
mom had an other
baby girl with
her new
boyfriend. we
were 6 under the
same roof so I
decided to move
in with my
brother. now, I go to
school and I
work and my
brother goes to
college and
works so I have
to put my son in
a day care. the
day care costs a
lot and we have
bills, diapers,
car, food and
textbooks to
pay. cause the crisis
my city cant
give to me any
other help. So I tried to
ask my baby's
dad to give me
some money and
he said no. so I
was wondering is
there any
possibility to
force him to
give me the
money I need for
our son without
having him in
our life? he
never wanted to
recognize his
son and he uses
to be a very bad
guy. he has a
drug problem and
he used to
threaten me.
Help :(
Extremely low
self-confidence ruining
my life?
I've always been
really shy and I've
never liked how I
look. But over the years,
my opinion of my
appearance has
gotten worse and
worse. I can't stand
what I see in the
mirror. And I want
to cry if someone
takes a photo of me.
I don't even like
people looking at
me. I get moody with
people if I think
they're staring at
me, and if I know
them well, I'll tell
them to stop looking
at me. I'm always
trying to hide my
face with my hands
and my hair. I can't
leave the house
without make-up and
I don't even like my
own parents seeing
me without any on.
I'm not saying I
slap on tons of it,
I'm only 15
(although I'm 16
soon), but I wear a
fair amount... I hate my freckles.
So much. Them and
the REALLY dark
circles under my
eyes are my biggest
insecurities. Also,
I have huge ears. I
used to get bullied
because of them. But
I've been bullied my
entire life anyway,
and even though I've
left school now, I'm
still being bullied. I've never been
really liked by
anyone (as in more
than a friend) or
been kissed and I
know you're thinking
'oh but you're only
15/16' but come on,
really, this is
2011. And it'd just
be nice to know I
actually have
someone seeing as I
only have like 2
friends. I really do believe
people don't like me
because of how I
look. I think people
like attractive
people, and that I'm
not attractive
enough for the
world. Sometimes how I feel
about my appearance
gets as bad to the
point where I really
do want to die
because of it. I get
depression anyway,
but most of it is
because of this.
I have problems
talking to people
and I never talk
about personal
problems to anyone I
know (or a
therapist) and it's
something I cannot
do. At all.
I decided to briefly
tell my closest
friend a couple of
weeks ago. She said
that she honestly
thinks every time
she sees me that I'm
stunning'. I know
she's lying. Because
I have eyes too and
I can see my
reflection. And what
I see is the
complete opposite to
I won't even leave
the house most of
the time.
It's just completely
destroying me. And I
don't know what to
do. I'm obsessed
with looks.
Advice would be
Sorry this is so
Pause, breathe, and notice your thoughts and
feelings. Do you know any young people like
these? Were/are YOU one?Consider that these
verbatim Web postings stand for millions of other
unhappy young people who suffer similar anguish in lonely
So What?
Notice the themes of these poignant appeals
from young people
These are
widespread symptoms of parental neglect,
abandonment, and abuse - i.e.
early-childhood trauma. They
indicate inherited psychological
wounds ("mental illness"), which start
well before
These wounds result from - and spread - the
lethal [wounds + unawareness]
cycle which is relentlessly eroding our
global societies and our ecosphere.
This Lesson-6 article reprints verbatim international Web posts from
troubled young people, mostly teens. Their using the Web to vent and plead suggests
there is no adult in their life that they can trust to listen,
understand, and help
Without patient, informed adult help, young people like these will
probably conceive or adopt kids and unintentionally pass on the
psychological wounds that have crippled and stressed them and their
If you want to
help this numberless legion of desperate children, (a) study
and apply this
and (b) choose from these options.
Pause, breathe, and reflect - why did you read this article? Did you get
what you needed? If not, what
do you need? Who's
answering these questions - your
true Self, or
''someone else''?