About Human-service Professions

    Over time, typical families and persons need help from various human-service specialists and organizations:

doctors and nurses

educators / trainers





lawyers and judges



counselors / coaches

workers / therapists

     The network of service-providers that influence a given person or family at any time form a metasystem, which can range from low to high nurturance. To provide optimal human service, such specialists need to be (a) minimally wounded and (b) aware of themselves and key topics. Clinicians need to be able to assess the awareness and woundedness of such specialists, and the nurturance-level of their organizations - starting with them-selves and their own workplace.

    It appears that often, wounded, unaware people seek human-ser-vice  professions. This raises the odds they'll provide impaired service to their clients, students, and patients until they break their protective denials and seek to reduce their wounds. Lesson 1 in this nonprofit Web site focuses on wound origins, assessment, and recovery.

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