About Merging and Stabilizing Several Biofamilies When two people start dating seriously, they usually intro-duce their families to each other over time. If the couple commits to each other, Their families redefine "who belongs" to in-clude some or all of both families. This process is specially complex in typical step-families, which must merge three or more bio-families (both biopar-ents' families + one or more stepparent's families). "Merging biofamilies" means combining up to 16 groups of tan-gible and invisible things (like customs, rituals, names, preferen-ces, beliefs, and priorities). This often takes years, and causes many confusions and conflicts This complex merger process was called "Project 9" in this educational Web site. The same ideas are now part of self-improvement Lesson 7 - evolve a nourishing stepfamily. |