About the 5-Part
Stepfamily Role Play
One of the 8
Parts in the "Build a High-nurturance Stepfamily Course for co-parents is a
group role-play which aims to help 12 or more participants experience
some typical new-stepfamily dilemmas. The role play can be used before, during,
or after other course Parts, and requires a prepared facilitator. The five
parts of the ~ 3-hour role play are:
Orientation: the facilitator
explains the purpose of the role play and sets some gu9idelines, but does
not describe the steps below. People who wish to can observe, rather than
participate. (~10")
Group-members form three or more
biofamilies - two co-parents and two or more kids. Fill out an
"identity sheet " together that defines who your family is. (~ 40")
Facilitator circulates to guide and resolve questions.
Have each biofamily "divorce," and
both ex mates pick a new co-parent (a divorced parent in another
biofamily). Re-form into several nuclear stepfamilies with the new couples
and two or more of their respective kids. Fill out an identity worksheet
together that defines who your new stepfamily is. (~40") Facilitator
circulates to guide and resolve questions.
Plan your stepfamily's first
Thanksgiving, and new partners and ex mates decide who eats what and
where, and how kids get from one co-parent's home to the other. Try to
resolve loyalty and values conflicts that erupt. (40-60") Facilitator
answers questions
A spokesperson for each group
collects feedback and describes what their groups Thanksgiving
experience was like to the large group. Then re-form the original (large)
group, and the facilitator guide a group discussion of thoughts,
feelings, and awarenesses from the whole role-play. (~40-60")
more role-play