Stepfamily - Biofamily Similarities

   Typical stepfamilies and intact biofamilies are composed of unique adults and children with talents, limitations,  needs, friends, responsibilities, wounds, bonds, losses, conflicts, values, boundaries, histories, an-cestors, dreams, fears, successes, and failures; and both...

   are managed by adults, who (usually) try to nurture dependent kids    toward successful independence;

   follow predictable human and family developmental stages;

   acquire, use, and maintain dwellings, vehicles, and physical and fi-   nancial assets;

   depend on clear thinking and effective communication to get their    needs met;

   work to stabilize family roles, rules, rituals, boundaries, and goals, and...

   both kinds of family system interact with human and Earthly environments as contributors and consumers.

   Family adults and supporters who focus mainly on these similarities risk seriously underestimating the impacts of over 60 differences between typical stepfamilies and intact biofamilies. Lesson 7 helps to guard against this.                                               more detail