What is "Qualified Professional Help"?

      Healing psychological wounds and building high-nurturance step-family relationships usually require qualified professional help along the way. Typical stepfamily adults don't know how to identify ad-visors who are competent to help in false-self wound-reduction and preventing or resolving common stepfamily stressors.

      Begin to solve this by studying Lessons 1 thru 7 and asses-sing your adults for psychological wounds. Then use your expanded knowledge to interview counselors, attorneys, clergy, and other professional helpers to judge if they're guided by their true Self, and can answer most of these stepfamily questions.

      Doing this protects against following uninformed advice, was-ting time and money, and eventual re/divorce. Shame-based adults may feel unqualified to evaluate family professionals like they do plumbers, beauticians, tutors, and mechanics. True Selves know better.                                                more detail  /  related info /  Q&A