Stepfamily Reality 31 - Effective Communication

        Since 1979, I have worked professionally with over 1,000 typical Midwestern-US divorcing and stepfamily adults. I estimate that none of them could "pass" this quiz on effective-communication basics. (Can you?) They didn't know that or what it meant. One meaning - they were often unable to avoid or permanently resolve significant relationship problems at home and work. Another meaning: their kids were growing up ignorant of seven vital communication skills, which would hinder filling their needs effectively throughout their lives.

        Can your family adults define the difference between fighting and win-win problem-solving? Describe how to avoid and resolve values conflicts, loyalty conflicts, and relationship triangles? Most co-parents and many human-service professionals can't. This unawareness causes significant stress in all families and social groups. Once adults are aware of communication basics and skills, they can help each other avoid or resolve most relationship problems. They (you) can also teach their kids how to do this - a gift beyond price!

        Lessons 1 and 2 this non-profit site provide frameworks and re-sources to help any adult learn to heal psychological wounds and to think and communicate effectively. These are essential for evolve high-nurturance families and relationships together.