11 Primary (Step)family ProblemsPremise - adults in typical divorcing families and stepfamilies try to resolve problem symptoms, rather than fill the primary needs causing the symptoms. From 31 years' research, I propose that one of five hazards is typical adult' unawareness of... 1) the requisites for high-nurturance relationships, parenting, and families; 2) common psychological wounds, what they mean, and how to reduce them 3) how to use effective-communication basics and skills to resolve these 11 problems; membership, values, and loyalty conflicts, and relationship triangles 4) healthy grieving basics, and how to assess and end incomplete grief 5) their stepfamily identity and realities, and what these usually mean 6) the need for a steady long-range outlook, and an effective family mission statement 7) typical minor kids' many developmental and family-adjustment needs 8) how to reduce overwhelm by prioritizing, focusing, and solving concurrent problems 9) how to overcome common barriers to evolving a high-nurturance family 10) how to pick informed, healthy (unwounded) lay and professional supporters; and... 11) how to make three informed, well-timed re/marriage and/or cohabiting choices. |