( ) [ ] 15)
prove _____________________________ to somebody. (who?
( ) [ ] 16)
often feel really known, appreciated, and enjoyed, by a beloved live-in
( ) [ ] 17)
avoid feeling old and unattractive, and to demonstrate my vigor and appeal.
( ) [ ] 18)
live with an interesting adult companion who often stimulates me intellectually,
emotionally, spiritually, and physically, and expands my world.
( ) [ ] 19)
finally become "whole" and balanced.
( ) [ ] 20) fulfill Gods plan for me.
I want to commit to this person to...
Me / You
( ) [ ] 21) end my boredom and have an exciting adventure!
( ) [ ] 22)
live with a loving adult who (often) wants to comfort, accept, and support me when
Im worried, scared, discouraged, confused, or ashamed.
( ) [ ] 23) live with an adult who steadily wants to encourage me to grow freely as a unique
person with special, valuable abilities, and to help them do the same.
( ) [ ] 24)
feel consistently needed by, and useful and impactful (important) to, a beloved,
special adult I live with.
( ) [ ] 25) "instantly" gain the family I (and/or you) have always needed and longed
( ) [ ] 26)
get revenge on someone who has really wounded and mistreated me, you, or a
key loved-one.
( ) [ ] 27)
finally end or avoid the stressful singles / dating scene.
( ) [ ] 28) finally end my (your) loneliness.
( ) [ ] 29)
avoid the emptiness and hassle of living alone.
( ) [ ] 30)
gain the resources to move away from here (or to ________________ ).
I want to commit to this person to...
Me / You
( ) [ ] 31)
lower or end my (your) major financial or emotional anxieties or fears.
( ) [ ] 32)
avoid Gods wrath, and end my (your) shame from living sinfully.
( ) [ ] 33)
"do the right thing" because of our unplanned child conception.
( ) [ ] 34)
get a parent, child, ex mate, or other key person off my (your) back.
( ) [ ] 35)
give a deprived child two loving co-parents and a nurturing home.
( ) [ ] 36)
give a needy minor child a(nother) good adult role-model.
( ) [ ] 37)
move into a better / safer home and/or neighborhood.
( ) [ ] 38)
end courtship commuting and phone-calling expense and hassles.
( ) [ ] 39)
end the frustration from our approach-avoid relationship for good.
( ) [ ] 40)
make up for all the pain Ive (youve) endured.
( ) [ ] 41)
relieve my kid/s (and/or others) from worrying about me.
( ) [ ] 42)
(any other reasons for committing to your mate...)